Youth Programs
The current structure of the Youth Commitee administration is as follows:

Music Lessons
Traditional music lessons are available at the HCS as a part of our cultural program. Lessons for the following instruments are currently available:

Traditional Theatre & Dance
The Hindu Cultural Society is dedicated to bringing quality and affordable dance and acting instruction to their community. There is a very active and dedicated dance community already. However, there has never been an actual dance and acting studio at HCS, where these people can expand their knowledge of dance and acting and enjoy being with other people of like interests. It is their plan to incorporate the existing dance and acting community into their studios to begin with a strong base of supporters. From there HCS will be able to spread the word that dancing and acting is a fun and exciting way to spend time to keep oneself healthy and fit. There are many benefits to dancing and acting that will
attract people from many backgrounds and interests.

Sporting Events
The HCS provides an in depth sporting program as part of it's comminity activities as well as suplimenting it's Health Awareness Program.

The focus of the program is to promote youth and adult sport participation, promote healthy development in youth, and increase youth access to health education. Youth Sports'competitive edge is twofold. One aim is to build a successful sports program that will have a positive impact on the attitude and health of the area's children, youth, adults and seniors. Regular physical activity helps improve overall health and fitness, and reduces risk for many chronic diseases.
The HCS aims to give youth the freedom to reach physical activity goals through different types and amounts of activities each week. Sports activity will emphasize the need for regular exercise, participation in regular sports activities, and taking Yoga/ Meditation lessons besides the need to change eating habits, and take measures that will ensure long term physical wellness.
The following sports are currently available:
Debate & Current Issues
The Youth Commitee organises regular debates to encourage cominications skills, critical thinking, and knowlage of current events.
Volunteer Activities & Fundraisers

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