Mission and Mandate

Initially, it was a dream of the leading members of Canada's Indian Community who regularly gathered in small group meetings. These meetings often lead to discussion for the need for a religious and cultural center, which serves to the community as a whole. A site where community may offer their religious prayers and meditation might take place; where our children and grand children might learn about and celebrate their culture; where community functions would be celebrated; where people living in the area and indo-Canadian would be given that which they cherish most - their heritage.
Additionally, HINDU CULTURAL SOCIETY SCARBOROUGH, ON is a non-profit charitable organization focused on enhancing the exposure and understanding of the Indo Canadian community's culture and heritage to Canadians of all backgrounds and ages. The organization offers educational architecture, science, and social values. The organization serves as a source of pride and identity for all Indo-Canadians, from those who have been here for generations to newly landed immigrants.

Prime Objective Activities includes:

Current artistic and heritage programming run by HINDU CULTURAL SOCIETY SCARBOROUGH ( HCS), is managed entirely by our dedicated volunteers. Our main activities include;

  • To help landed Immigrants from south Asia
  • Health awareness programs and Accessibility for seniors
  • Special events for south Asian families
  • Language Classes
  • Dance and Music Classes
  • Youth Committee –Youth at risk
  • Yoga and Meditation sessions
  • Workshops on Indian culture and other community groups
  • Promote welfare of people irrespective of their origin; to organize and support activities for the study, practice and development of religion, Sanskriti (culture) and Sabhayata (civilization) Principles
  • Commitment: HCS Cultural centre wants to inspire pro-social friendships, strong inter personal skills, and instill a sense of hope in the future amongst seniors, adults and youth.
  • Responsibility: The focus of HCS cultural centre is to educate youth in establishing goals and following through on commitments.
  • Possibility: HCS Cultural project wants to expand the perspective of seniors to make them aware of life's possibilities at old age.
  • Support: An individual is dramatically influenced by their support system. HCS Cultural project wants to surround young people in a caring, inclusive learning environment.